Thursday 13 November 2008

CHA Summer 08 Arrivals VIII

It's all about K & Company!!!!

From patterned papers...

to specialty papers and papers in a box.

Fabric Albums

and pocket-sized brag books....

to 12x12 album kits.

From brand new clear stamps...

to loads of new and replenished embellishments!!

Happy shopping!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous brads & butterflies!!!
I miss your shop *sniff*

Anonymous said...

Just wondering which days of this month are the Double Stamps Day. Thanks. :)

Shabby Chic said...

Sorry, there are no double stamps day for this month :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!!! More lovely stuff .... who am I to resist? I am weak... ha.ha.ha.

Anonymous said...

owh what a catches!but it must be costly..:(

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