Wednesday 17 October 2012

Emeline Seet was here :)

Wow! We're in the month of October already!! But I must say we kicked off the month with such inspiring ideas from Emeline Seet :) With BOTH classes SOLD OUT, we are truly very grateful for your support and also to Emeline for gracing our store for the first time :) Emeline, we hope for you to come back again soon and this time with a little more time to see Brunei and we'll go easy on the food!! ;)

Next up - PRIMA'S ASIAN TOUR! Details to come this week :)


Bellaidea said...

It`s so nice to see many photos of my Friend!

eMeLiNe Seet said...

THANK YOU SO MUcH for some memorable time !! I finally had some time to look back and reminisce some great great photos ! YES, i already missed the warm + talented + FRIENDLY community :) I am truly blessed to have experiences such generosity with the HOST ;) and believe it or not, I would like to try more FOOD one day, some day again.... hopefully.